Ways To Avoid Acidity During Pregnancy

Regularly eating nourishment passes from our mouth to our stomach through a nourishment pipe called the throat. There’s a valve where the nourishment pipe closes, and the stomach opens, and it is called the Lower oesophagal sphincter (LES). The LES may be a solid band of tissue (like an elastic band) that opens to permit nourishment to enter the stomach and closes as long as food enters the stomach. As we know, our stomach produces numerous juices to process nourishment, and gastric corrosive is one of those.

When the LES sphincter unwinds without total closure, the gastric juices tend to stream back towards the nourishment pipe after the nourishment has entered the stomach. These gastric juices (gastric corrosive) chafe the delicate lining of the nourishment pipe, and as a result, acidity sets in. You can visit Best Maternity Hospital in Agra to seek help during pregnancy.

What causes acidity amid pregnancy?

It is vital to note that pregnancy does not cause acidity; it, as it were, makes one more vulnerable to acidity.

The following are two pregnancy-related contributing factors:

Hormonal changes- During the first trimester, the muscles move as quietly as the feeding tube to move the food very slowly, and the muscles in your stomach work the same way to help absorb nutrients and deliver them to the developing fetus. But as the food lasts a long time in the year, you may have heartburn.

Growing fetus: Within the third trimester, to suit the developing child, the uterus pushes your stomach way up; in this way, the stomach will be beneath a steady weight which also comes about in acidity.

Avoid acidity During pregnancy.

  • Most pregnant women with low acidity can manage their lifestyle changes. But many have severe symptoms resulting in weight loss, sleep problems, and more. When the symptoms are severe and bothersome, destructive and affect the quality of life, it is always better to consult Maternity Hospital in Agra and seek treatment instead of suffering in silence or self-medication.
  • Eat slowly and eat your meals well. The less air that goes into your stomach while you eat, the better your acidity.
  • Avoid lying down immediately after eating (and try not to eat or drink for a few hours before going to bed)
  • Drink water between meals instead of eating so your stomach is not too full.
  • Avoid fatty or fried foods, acidic foods and drinks (such as citrus fruits or juices), and spicy foods.


Acidity is not a joke during pregnancy – and if it’s bad enough to affect your eating and sleeping, your provider may prescribe medication to help you find more relief. However many mothers find that their heartburn and acidity go away soon after giving birth. There for econtacting Maternity Centre in Agra is always advisable, as they can help you feel better.

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